The View from Here
Where I mostly stay anchored but also take opportunities to roam around in a wide radius...
Do I dare to eat a peach?
I was in the greenhouse at Carraig Dúlra1 last summer, with the cat who of course had the best chair, complete with cushion. Rory had left a sketchbook on the ground just to the right of the entrance door, with a handwritten note poking out of it inviting anyone who wished, to use it to draw / write. Plus some pencils and crayons to make the invitation irresistible.
So I hunkered down and did just that, made some marks on one of the creamy pages; allowed the pencils to wander around, circle around, leaving red, purple, yellow trails, vaguely spherical and deeply satisfying.
I tucked it all away, ready for the next wanderer, went further into the greenhouse and found peaches growing, yellow skinned, warm to my touch and blushed with red. I plucked one, bit into it and tasted its distinctive dry freshness in my mouth. Not messy and juicy as I expected, but instead clean and fresh. Maybe I can still taste it, maybe the cat continues its vigil.
I painted a peach this week.
I love the synchronicity of a peach reference in your letter today! 🍑