Love his name, and the story behind the name. And the description of this loner who finds a place to belong. And bring the beauty of another culture back to Ireland.

I got wrapped in the discussion.

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Thank you Karena - it’s such a fascinating life story, and from such an unpromising start to life.

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So delighted to read this. I ‘ran away’ myself to Japan for several years, and married ( thus my surname). I always miss it, but it’s strange to read his thoughts on ending his days there, for it was precisely the same contemplation that made me realise I couldn’t stay for good.

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Thank you Valerie, so good to read your response here. You are now back in Ireland?

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I’m descended on both sides of my family from Irish who came to England in the mid 19th century, so it’s back here I found myself over 20 years ago.

Thanks to you, I’m now yearning to visit the gardens in Tramore - a quite wonderful fusion of my life and my heritage!

Oh, in the meantime I’ve ordered Kwaidan...


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If you do come to visit Valerie pls let me know - I live just half an hour from there.

Coincidentally I spotted this post on X/twitter just now, surely a sign 😉 - https://x.com/lafcadiohearn1/status/1718876016838688908?s=46&t=r9m2CPoIHSNCFANXl6X67w

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Thanks Margaret- I enjoyed this a lot. Will reread it. You insight opens worlds geographically and personally.

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Thank for reading Kathleen, LH’s life story is amazing. If you haven’t already visited the gardens in Tramore I highly recommend a visit.

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Wonderful piece!

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Thank you Daniel

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